Infant Massage
Infant Massage classes are designed to give parents another resource in caring for their child. Taught by a Certified Infant Massage Teacher (CIMT), our Infant Massage class teaches parents the benefits of Infant Massage, when the best time is to massage their baby and routines they can use at home. Parents will learn to better understand their child’s non-verbal cues and assist their baby in enriching their developing mind-body connection. Infant Massage also allows caregivers to decompress and destress while enjoying time with their baby.
This 4-week course will cover all areas of the body including legs/feet, arms/hands, tummy, chest, face and back. We will also discuss routines to help with gas pains, congestion and teething. The class is designed for infants ranging from 3 weeks to 12 months. Expecting parents are also welcome! Each class will range from 60-90 minutes.
4-Week Group Class Series
$150 per family
Babies take the lead in this class! Part of Infant Massage is all about understanding when your baby is ready to be receptive to massage. Don’t worry if your baby is fussy or wants to play. Maybe your baby is napping during the class or needs to eat, it’s okay! We’ll let them do what they want and after a few minutes see if they want to receive massage. If not, parents are free to take notes and ask questions so they can try each lesson when their baby is ready.
Each class series can accommodate up to 10 couples and their babies. Unfortunately, due to space limitations and safety, we cannot allow siblings in the class. Couples may consist of parents, grandparents, or any combination of caregivers for the infant.
Benefits of Infant Massage include:
• Increased muscle tone
• Improved sleep
• Relief for gas pains
• Improved digestion
• Increased bond between baby and caregiver and more!